By Ollie Emberson

There Is A Way To Beat Chronic Shoulder Pain [How To Guide]

Does your pain feel “unfixable”?


Most rehab plans are not designed to fix chronic pain or provide long-lasting results.


eg. Dry Needling

eg. “Easy” Physio Rehab

eg. Stretches And Massage


These dampen pain for a few days to weeks… but your pain will come back because they do NOT address or fix the root problem.


And that’s extremely frustrating…


Because it means you:


• Remain restricted in daily life

• Are unable to train or play sport

• Feel weak, broken, and frustrated


If you live in constant fear of worsening your pain every time you exercise or carry out simple daily tasks…


Follow these 3 steps to make sure you’re not stuck on the injury rehab wheel for life:

Ps. Before we dive in, transparency time 😬


Many of you will read this and think “this is awesome!”. If that’s you… and you’re serious about recovering from injury in the next 16 weeks


There’ll be a bit at the end of this email telling you what the next steps look like… should you want my help.


Hope that’s cool with you 🙂


Most men stay in pain because they rehab too little, too much, too fast, or too slow.




You must train and progress in a way that strengthens your shoulder without aggravating it or increasing pain symptoms…


Most people ignore this step… they think an exercise program will fix all their problems.


It won’t.


You will NOT outrehab sh*tty sleep or diet habits, so get them in check if you want to promote healing and recover quicker.


Chronic pain increases fear, which encourages you to believe your body is fragile & in danger.


The truth is:


These beliefs aren’t always accurate… And so we must address them to prevent you avoiding activity that could help you heal.



1/ An effective rehab program

2/ Health Optimisation

3/ Pain Education


If you master these 3 steps:


I guarantee you will conquer shoulder pain… live unrestricted… feel confident in the gym… and get back to the things you love doing.


Just like Mike:


Mike is a Miami-based business owner and father in his 30s Who struggled with shoulder pain for 12+ months… but once we installed these 3 pillars into his rehab plan:


His shoulder fully healed.


He went from:


• Over 1 year shoulder pain

• Unable to train his upper body

• Feeling limited in his day to day life

• In constant fear of making his pain worse


To living a normal unrestricted life, and training 4 times per week… without any aches or pains holding him back.


He felt strong, hopeful, and confident.


And if he can do it (after trying and failing with physical therapists and stretches), then you can too 🙂



— Ollie E.

When You’re Ready,
Here’s How I can Help:


Resilience Shoulder System: Customised injury programs for those who have been injured for 6+ months and failed to fix their injury with physio, osteo, chiro, and other methods.

If you want to recover from injury in 2024, get out of pain (for good), train without limits, and feel strong, sturdy and confident in the gym…

Who Is Ollie?


Ollie is a performance and injury advisor trusted by athletes, biz owners and health optimisers.


In 2023 and 2024, 93% of Ollie’s clients recovered better AND faster than in-person physical therapy, osteo and more.

When you’re Ready, Here’s How I can Help: 

Pro Perform Club


Join 1000+ high-performers getting 2 powerful emails a week on pain-free movement and workout optimisation.

Pain-free Masterclass [Free]


Discover how to overcome recurring shoulder injuries so you can train 100% pain free in the next 30 days

Pain-free Athlete™ [Paid]


For those who have been injured for 6+ months and failed to fix their injury with physical therapy.

Get out of pain (for good), train without limits, and feel strong, sturdy and confident in the gym.

This is only for those who have had shoulder pain for 6+ months AND tried physical therapy. If that’s not you, leave this page now!