Injured Or In Pain for 6+ Months? Read this

Dealing with chronic injury, pain, or joint issues for MORE than 6 months is a frustrating and disheartening experience, isn’t it?

​And no… ​

I’m not talking about how limited and frustrated you feel in daily life, in the gym, or whenever you try to be active.

I’m talking about this:
“I’ve tried everything, but nothing seems to help”​​

This is what my clients think before working with me. They’ve spent time and energy on physio. They get short term relief, but their pain comes back to haunt them in daily life and training.

And because of this:

  • They’re stuck in persistent daily pain: Unable to find relief, and so pain and discomfort becomes a central focus of daily life which then impacts your mood and happiness.
  • Physical health deteriorates: It’s hard to maintain an active lifestyle when you must avoid things that aggravate your pain. You lose muscle. Gain weight. Lose your health.
  • Fear builds up: you worry that if left unsolved, your pain will become more severe and limiting (which it will, because injuries become more complex as time goes on)
  • They feel frustrated: Your pain stops you performing at your best, and despite your efforts… you’re unable to alleviate the pain and its impact on your life.

Because of the above:
It’s only natural that when I speak to these people, the first thing they ask is: “Nothing has worked… how are YOU different?”

Well… I AM different. And not just by a little.

This is a blunt email.

Here are 3 reasons why our program is different. And why YOU should trust it EVEN if nothing else has worked for you…

1) Personal Experience

I understand your situation deeply. I went through it myself. I injured my shoulder in 2014. It affected me for years. I lost muscle and strength. Tried everything but nothing worked.

But I’m not a coward. I don’t quit.

Instead of accepting defeat and getting surgery, I went into the industry so I could learn how to build my own system.

And it worked.

Today I am pain free. I train without limits. I do bench press, dips, shoulder press, pull downs. Nothing is off limits.

2) Proven Track Record

I have never met someone (in person or online) who has my level of results. Ever. And the other people you’ve already worked with? I’m 99% certain they didn’t show you ANY results or testimonials.

Everyone I’ve worked with was once in your shoes:

They got injured. They tried many different things (eg. Physical therapy or cortisone). None of it worked for them long term.

Despite that, they showed courage.

They took a chance.
And asked for my help.

I have undeniable proof that my system works for people like you. And instead of making empty promises (like other people), I guarantee you the same results I’ve achieved with other clients.

Like this one:

3) Personalised Approach

I crush my competition. And it’s not even close.

See nowadays:

Most coaching is group coaching. Or it’s low quality 1:1 that resembles group coaching. Popular because it’s most profitable for the business owner. But the client (you) suffers because you must fit into their generic model even if it’s not suited to you.

First off…

Everyone is given the same thing (despite having different struggles and starting points). This means you get sh*t results.

And second, it’s impersonal…

You’re thrown in a group chat and you don’t have private 1:1 access to the coach you’re working with. This means you feel like they don’t care about you.

Not here.

I only do 100% bespoke 1:1 programs. We take the time to understand your unique situation. I build everything around your needs. And you have unlimited 1:1 access to me personally. That’s why I get results like these. And other people don’t.


I know it’s hard to trust someone when you’ve been let down. I’ve been there. I also know it’s hard to believe something will work when nothing else has. I’ve been there too.

But sometimes?

You need to be brave. And take a chance.

Because if you’re like me, failure is not an option. You’re not a coward. You’re not a quitter. You hate the thought of settling and you WILLpersevere until you find a solution.

So if you want to have a chat to see if I can help you overcome injury so you can restore your mobility, strength, and confidence… book a call with me here.

But keep in mind…

Just like you’re searching for the right person: I am too.

I’ve spent 10 years doing this, working with all kinds of clients. And due to that, I’m selective. Because I only want high calibre people capable of getting results.

I want to enjoy the process too:

  • This is for High-performing men and women who want to maintain or build an active lifestyle without feeling limited or frustrated. Without your shoulder slowing you down or getting in the way. If you’ve just got shoulder pain you want to get rid of? Not for you.
  • This is for ambitious people with high standards who refuse to settle for “average”. We deliver unbeatable results… IF you are willing to invest the time, money and energy to reach your goals. If that’s not you? There are plenty of cheaper (less effective) options out there.
  • This is for action-takers who HATE being slowed down by shoulder pain that is destroying their potential. They’re ready to take action now to prevent wasting more time. If you need to wait for “perfect circumstances”, or until you’re “less busy”, this program is not for you.

If you don’t have the traits above?
You will NOT be accepted into my program.

Here’s that link again:

Ollie Emberson

Who Is Ollie?


Ollie is a performance and injury advisor trusted by athletes, biz owners and health optimisers.


In 2023 and 2024, 93% of Ollie’s clients recovered better AND faster than in-person physical therapy, osteo and more.

When you’re Ready, Here’s How I can Help: 

Pro Perform Club


Join 1000+ high-performers getting 2 powerful emails a week on pain-free movement and workout optimisation.

Pain-free Masterclass [Free]


Discover how to overcome recurring shoulder injuries so you can train 100% pain free in the next 30 days

Pain-free Athlete™ [Paid]


For those who have been injured for 6+ months and failed to fix their injury with physical therapy.

Get out of pain (for good), train without limits, and feel strong, sturdy and confident in the gym.

This is only for those who have had shoulder pain for 6+ months AND tried physical therapy. If that’s not you, leave this page now!