How Adam Escaped 10 Years Of Shoulder Pain Hell

Most people think injury rehab is a waste of time.


Or at least:


That’s what Adam thought.


Adam is a business owner and father based in Australia. And when I tell you what he went through, you’ll understand why he held the belief above.


See when I met him:


Adam had suffered from rotator cuff pain and flare ups for 10 years.


As you know…


Suffering with shoulder pain for any amount of time is extremely restricting, frustrating, and disheartening.


But TEN years?


You start to lose all trust and hope.


Especially when it affects your ability to be active and exercise… your daily life… your sleep… and your ability to drive.


There’s one thing I agree with Adam on… and it’s this:

Injury rehab can feel like a waste of time


But I’ll add this caveat:


It only feels like a waste IF… you have the wrong program.


Let’s put this into context for a sec.


Adam tried in-person physical therapists and osteopaths that were a 15-30 minute drive from his home (he’s based in Australia).


The result?


> Still weak

> Still in pain

> Still limited

> Still frustrated


As you can imagine:


He was VERY sceptical when he signed up to my program, because I was in the UK at the time, which is 9,461.22 miles away (according to google).


But you know what?


He took a risk, placed a bet on himself, and signed up to my  Pain-free Athlete Program .


And that bet payed off.


“I’ve not had ANY issues for 6 months”

“My body is in a much better place”

“the work we did has resolved my issues”

I’m particularly proud of this result:


Because if you asked Adam what he thought BEFORE signing up, he would have said “in person injury rehab hasn’t worked, so there’s NO chance a remote program will help!”


This is a common (mistaken) belief.


That in person injury rehab > a remote program.


But the truth is this:


Having someone there with you in-person does NOT improve your chances of recovery. Because a bad PT doesn’t become a good PT just because they’re with you in person.


Knowledge > proximity.


And my clients are living proof of that.


They work with in-person physios 30 min from home…


Get awful results…


Then they sign up to work with me (1000’s of miles away) and I get them fully healed.


I have worked (or am currently working) with clients from the following countries:

Next month, I’m opening up 5 slots to the Pain-free Athlete.


Over 12 weeks: 


I’ll show you how to fix your shoulder injury, get out of pain (for good), train without limits, and feel strong, sturdy, and confident in the gym.


Investment starts at £150 per week.


And there’s no contract. You can leave whenever you want (but you won’t be able to re-join for a year once you’ve left).


Email me “Delt” if you want the details.


Ollie Emberson

Who Is Ollie?


Ollie is a performance and injury advisor trusted by athletes, biz owners and health optimisers.


In 2023 and 2024, 93% of Ollie’s clients recovered better AND faster than in-person physical therapy, osteo and more.

When you’re Ready, Here’s How I can Help: 

Pro Perform Club


Join 1000+ high-performers getting 2 powerful emails a week on pain-free movement and workout optimisation.

Pain-free Masterclass [Free]


Discover how to overcome recurring shoulder injuries so you can train 100% pain free in the next 30 days

Pain-free Athlete™ [Paid]


For those who have been injured for 6+ months and failed to fix their injury with physical therapy.

Get out of pain (for good), train without limits, and feel strong, sturdy and confident in the gym.

This is only for those who have had shoulder pain for 6+ months AND tried physical therapy. If that’s not you, leave this page now!