5 Reasons Why You Keep Getting Injured [Avoid]

We’ve all been there.

You get a niggle or twinge in the gym… You take some time off… Return to training… And all seems fine for a couple sessions…


But “fine” doesn’t last:


Because your niggle comes back. Again.


”Oh… for f*cks sake!”

So, why does this happen?


In today’s email:


I want to focus on the workout mistakes people make that get them injured time and time again…


And what to do instead.


LFG… 🚀

Mistake #1) Bad Warm Up

Most people do stretches or bodyweight drills to warm up.


Problem is…


You don’t prep your body for weight training this way, and that’s why these people get injured time and time again.


My Advice: Warm up with the…


• Same exercise
• Same rep range
• 50% of the weight


So let’s say you’re about to do a working set of 50kg bench press for 8 reps. You should warm up on the bench by using the same rep speed, the same rep range (8), but 25kg instead of 50kg.


This is MORE than enough to prepare your body for the challenges you’ll face during your workout.

#2) Improper Form

I’m gonna level with you…


How you lift > how much you lift.


Lifters get injured because their focus is to lift heavy weight, or complete their 3 sets of 10 at ALL costs.


Bad idea…


My Advice: Slow your reps down…


• 2 seconds up
• 2 seconds down
• A pause either side


It’s almost impossible to lift with bad form when you move slow… so take care of your tempo and the rest will follow 🙂

#3) Incorrect Set Up

No two people move the same… you are unique and EVERY aspect of your workouts should be too.


The truth is…


  • Not everyone should squat ass to grass
  • Not everyone should bench Bar To Chest
  • Not everyone should deadlift from the floor
  • Not everyone should do pull ups or pulldowns


Problem is, most gym-goers are misled with these arbitrary rules.


  • You’re forced into ill-fitting generic exercises that destroy your potential and waste your valuable time because it takes forever to get results.


  • You’re squeezed into unnatural positions. You hate your workouts. Exercise feels “crummy” and you’re haunted by constant niggles. (ps. “full range of motion” doesn’t exist – not everyone should squat ass to grass, deadlift from the floor, bench bar to chest or do pull ups)


  • You violate your structure and get you injured like I did.


Ps. Here’s an example of how anatomy can differ… the hip on the left will be able to squat MUCH deeper because the joint shape allows more hip flexion.

My Advice: Get my help.


I’m introducing a new offer called “Pro Perform Optimise”


It includes a: 


  1. One-off 1:1 consult call
  2. Personalised action plan
  3. Workout program audit


All so you can gain clarity and direction around your injury or a specific area of your training.


If you like the sound of that:


Fill in the application form below and I’ll send over the details…

#4) Poor Progression

Some people try to progress way too quick in the gym, and that leads to them making WORSE progress over the long run…




Because they progress quicker than their body can handle, and then injuries derail their workouts.


My Advice: Treat progress like a suntan.ather than a sunburn where you char your skin off.

• A little bit at first.
• Then a bit more.
• And a bit more.


This means an extra rep. Or a BIT more weight. Or a bit faster. Or increasing your range of motion slightly over time if you’re injured.


Might seem slow in the short term…


But ”He who progresses the longest, progresses the most”.

#5) Too Much Volume

3 sets of 10. German Volume Training. 3 chest exercises per workout. This is all popular advice for gaining muscle quickly.


But it’s a bunch of steamy BS 💩




Because 1) injury LOVES excessive volume. and you are guaranteed to pick up a repetitive strain injury or tendonitis.


And 2) Research now shows you don’t NEED lots of volume or 5 sessions per week to make meaningful progress in the gym.


My Advice:


Do 1-2 exercises per muscle group in a workout.
Do 2-3 sets of 6-12 reps per exercise.
And train 3-4 times per week.


Here’s your checklist of 5 mistakes to avoid if you want to stop getting injured in the gym:


• Bad Warm-up
• Improper Form
• Incorrect Set-up
• Poor Progression
• Too Much Volume


Hope you found this email useful 🙂


— Ollie E.

When You’re Ready, Here’s How I Can Help:

#1) Newsletter

Join 1000+ athletes, fitpros and advanced gym-goers getting weekly deep dives on pain-free movement and workout optimisation.


#2) Pro Perform Optimise

A one-off 1:1 consulting call so you can gain clarity and direction around your injury or a specific area of your training.


#3) Injury Rehab

The Limitless Protocol: I’m not taking on new clients right now. But you can apply for the wait-list and I’ll let you know when a spot opens up.

Who Is Ollie?


Ollie is a performance and injury advisor trusted by athletes, biz owners and health optimisers.


In 2023 and 2024, 93% of Ollie’s clients recovered better AND faster than in-person physical therapy, osteo and more.

When you’re Ready, Here’s How I can Help: 

Pro Perform Club


Join 1000+ high-performers getting 2 powerful emails a week on pain-free movement and workout optimisation.

Pain-free Masterclass [Free]


Discover how to overcome recurring shoulder injuries so you can train 100% pain free in the next 30 days

Pain-free Athlete™ [Paid]


For those who have been injured for 6+ months and failed to fix their injury with physical therapy.

Get out of pain (for good), train without limits, and feel strong, sturdy and confident in the gym.

This is only for those who have had shoulder pain for 6+ months AND tried physical therapy. If that’s not you, leave this page now!