Here’s The Problem

Many strength and fitness programs offer one-size-fits-all solutions, leaving many with injuries, nagging pains, unmet goals, and poor joint health.


We stand as the antidote to this by engineering personalised training tailored to your unique anatomy, limits and goals… empowering you to train smart, stay injury-free, and maintain peak physical health throughout life.

look & feel confident

We help our clients feel strong, fit, and confident in their own body, which positively impacts their presence, and role as a strong leader for their family and peers.

Health, Longevity & Wellness

We help our clients maintain their health and fitness with longevity in mind… ensuring joints, muscles, and overall well-being are preserved so they live healthier and longer.

Active Pain-free Lifestyle

We help our clients stay physically active and enjoy their favorite sports and activities without the constant worry of pain, injury, or physical limitations.

Perform At Their Best

We help our clients excel, build strength, and push their physical limits while ensuring their body remains resilient and strong. In the gym, on the sports field, or in daily life.

I’m Ollie

A post-injury and performance advisor with 10 years experience. 


I’ve helped clients in 5 continents (including nationally ranked athletes, 7 figure business owners, and high level execs) move pain-free and optimise their training so they can look feel and perform at their best.


We assertively stand up and fight for what, and those who, we believe in… even if it means standing alone.


We aren’t afraid to break the rules, challenge tradition, or reinvent the norm to find a better way of doing things


Mediocrity terrifies us. We take pride in our work and we’re on a relentless quest to raise the bar and set new standards.


We never roll over and accept defeat. No matter how hard the road ahead, we stay strong in the face of hardship and failure.


I’ve been learning about pain free movement and training optimisation professionally since 2013… and it all started when I injured my shoulder and wrists… a few months after transforming my body for the first time.


(I know… bad timing)

Turns out… Body transformations are great for getting in shape.


Not so friendly on your joints though.


I obliterated my body in a 12 week sprint to get in shape. My wrists could no longer support a light barbell. My rotator cuff struggled to keep up with the heavy training and rapid rates of progress.


And then… I damaged my collar bone (thanks to chasing “full range of motion” and “the stretch” on chest flyes and presses).


Crunching, clicking and grinding….


Ah. Fond memories.

The pain restricted my workouts… at first.


I stubbornly tried to train through the pain… until dips, flyes, bench, and shoulder press became too painful. It was too much for my shoulder, and my wrist just couldnt handle the stress of my bodyweight or a barbell.


Pressing was out.


But I still tried to make do with a limited library of upper body exercises… until rows, pulldowns and even arm exercises (like biceps curls)… became unbearable, too.


Training felt like a waste of time.


Every attempted upper body workout left me feeling weak… angry… frustrated… and it became impossible to maintain muscle or strength, let alone make any meaningful gym progress.


I became the dude with great legs… and a tiny upper body.


Then things got worse.


My shoulder started dictating my daily life too.


Scrubbing pans after breakfast. Carrying my backpack. Even the 9 minute grocery commute home from the corner shop became an event filled with frustration.

And I’ll be honest with you… It was NOT a quick fix. 


My daily life, training, mental health AND wallet suffered for years. I tried cortisone injections for my wrists. Multiple physios for my shoulder. A couple osteos. Got cracked and adjusted by a chiropractor. Explored foam rolling, massages and graston.


But none of it worked.


After 100s of hours and £1000s down the drain on treatments that failed to hit the mark, I was left with two options.


#1) Get surgery

#2) Figure it out alone


To me: 


“Surgery” meant quitting and accepting defeat… and so because I had nothing to lose and everything to gain, I chose option #2.


I’m glad I did.


Because after a lot of late nights, early mornings and a TONNE of trial and error: 


I successfully built a system that enabled me to overcome my recurring injuries and joint issues, so I could move pain-free and train without limits.


It enabled me to build some sexy delts like these too:

Since resolving my setbacks, I’ve dedicated my life to building THE #1 place high-performers come to for injury (p)rehab and training optimisation.


And in 2022 I set up my own Remote Injury Advisory.


Which has served clients in:


• United Kingdom

• United States

• Singapore

• Australia

• Portugal

• Bahrain

• Brazil

• Italy

• Bali


My results are some of the best on the planet.


In 2023 and 2024, my system helped 93% of clients recover better AND faster than in-person PT and other popular methods. On the performance side of things, one client said he got better results in 6 months with me, than 8 years on his own.

Having mastered pain-free movement and training optimisation, in Feb 2023 my personal goal turned to building a high performance business, mind and body while travelling the world on a busy schedule.


While travelling in 2023: 


• I consistently trained 4-5x/week

• I maintained optimal nutritional habits

• I achieved my first 5-fig month ($14.5k Sept 2023)


My aim by sharing this is to show you that… like my high-achieving entrepreneur and executive clients… it IS possible to build perform and maintain your health: so long as you have the right strategy in place.