Why “Full Range Of Motion” Is Bullsh*t

“Squat Ass To Grass!”
”Bench Bar To Chest!”
”Deadlift From The Floor!”
”Everyone should do chin ups!”


I fell into believing these statements when I first started training.


And you know what it led to?


Frustration. Rubbish results. Pain. Injury.


In fact, these arbitrary rules were responsible for a lot of my shoulder and hip pain over the years.




Because “full range of motion” is a myth.


More specifically… 


What you think is “full ROM”, actually isn’t full ROM for you. Ie – just because you’ve been told to squat “ass to grass” doesn’t mean it’s beneficial for you, or that you should blindly follow that advice.


See, here’s the thing:


You are unique. Your anatomy is unique. Your bone structure is unique… and naturally, it makes sense that your range of motion would be different to someone else’s too, right?


Now I get it. 


All these years, you’ve been told one thing… and now here I am saying the opposite – that not everyone should do chin ups, squat ass to grass, bench bar to chest, or deadlift from the floor.


It’s confusing right?


In todays email, we’re going to cover WHY some people shouldn’t do the highlighted points above…


And if you read this letter to the end,


I promise it’ll help you:


• Reduce nagging aches + pains

• Avoid progress-destroying injury

• Make your workouts feel amazing 

• Achieve elite results in minimal time


Sound good? Great. Let’s dive in!

Before We Begin…

I have 1/3 spots open this month for Limitless (my injury rehab program). So if you want to conquer your injury and get back to doing the things you love…


Did you know most people can’t get the arms to 180º (vertically) overhead? But despite this, they continue to do chins ups, smash their joints into unnatural positions… And they end up getting permanent joint damage years down the line


(That sucks)


Remember this image below in my previous email?

It shows exactly what I’ve just explained. Vertical is impossible for me, which means chin ups are impossible for me, too.


So… how about you?


Here’s a mobility test I do with all my clients. Give it a go. If you can get your arms to vertical great. But if not? Ditch the chin ups, and customise the exercise ROM to what you have available.

Ps. The goal here is to keep your elbows pointing forward at the top – if you don’t, it invalidates the test (and it’s why I achieve more range compared to the photos above)


”Bar to chest” is a very popular cue, isn’t it?


Truth is, it’s AWFUL advice if:


• You have long arms
• A flat sternum angle
• A narrow rib cage


Why? Because towards the bottom, the pec struggles to work, and that places a LOT of stress on your shoulder joint (one of the most popular injuries I’ve seen over the past decade).


This also means the flat bench will NOT help you grow your chest if you have a narrow rib cage or flat sternum angle.


See how different the two shoulder positions are below?

If you want to learn more about this, click below to watch the video (I guarantee it’ll help you reduce injury risk, help you get better results… and it’ll completely blow your mind) 👇


In my 10 years training, and 1000s hours with clients, you’d be amazed at how many people can not squat ass to grass.


”Oh, you just need to improve mobility!”


Not so fast…


Because some people’s hip joints physically STOP them from being able to squat ass to grass.


And again:


Trying to squat ass to grass when you’re not built for it can result in hip / labrum damage, pain during workouts and injury…

In the image above, there are 2 different pelvises – can you see how the hip sockets point in different directions? This means the range of motion in different directions will be different.


Here’s a test to determine your current ROM:

A past client (Alex) is a great example of this. He 2 torn labrums and hip pain for 2 years, and he hadn’t squatted for all that time…


I got him squatting pain free in 3 weeks.


This is similar to the point above – you also need to be aware of your hip range on deadlifts too.


Use the test above to identify the hip range you have, and then RESPECT it when you do your deadlifts.


How? Like This:

Use blocks to lift the bar so you start off in less hip flexion (see below for an example of how I do it)…



To recap this email, not everyone should:


1) Do chin ups
2) Bench bar to chest
3) Squat ass to grass
4) Deadlift from the floor


Because anatomy is unique, which means your range of motion is unique too. Will some people disagree? Sure. But only those who ignore the mechanical (and objective) realities of the body.


Now… what if it’s too late?


What if you’ve already been misled by these rules, and your pain or injury is getting in the way of your workouts?


If you’re a frustrated gym-goer who wants to:


✅ Conquer your injury
✅ Train pain-free without limits
✅ Regain your strength + confidence


You can apply to work with me here (I only take on 3 clients per month, so it’s first come first serve)


Ps. This is NOT for you if:


  • You do not have 1+ year training experience and /or do not have access to a fully equipped gym facility.
  • You have not built a regular training habit in the past or do not see fitness as a vital part of your lifestyle.
  • You are not a relentless action taker. I only work with those who take responsibility and action towards their goals (victims / complainers are not accepted onto the program).
  • You are not an independent thinker. I only work with those who reject herd mentality and challenge the status quo.
  • You do not have high standards. You won’t appreciate the detail-driven, bespoke fitness regimes I create for clients.​


Have a great week, fren 🙂


— Ollie E.

Who Is Ollie?


Ollie is a performance and injury advisor trusted by athletes, biz owners and health optimisers.


In 2023 and 2024, 93% of Ollie’s clients recovered better AND faster than in-person physical therapy, osteo and more.

When you’re Ready, Here’s How I can Help: 

Pro Perform Club


Join 1000+ high-performers getting 2 powerful emails a week on pain-free movement and workout optimisation.

Pain-free Masterclass [Free]


Discover how to overcome recurring shoulder injuries so you can train 100% pain free in the next 30 days

Pain-free Athlete™ [Paid]


For those who have been injured for 6+ months and failed to fix their injury with physical therapy.

Get out of pain (for good), train without limits, and feel strong, sturdy and confident in the gym.

This is only for those who have had shoulder pain for 6+ months AND tried physical therapy. If that’s not you, leave this page now!