Conquer Your Shoulder Pain So You Can Move And Train Without Limits

Even if you’ve tried (and failed with) physical therapy, massage, and stretches

Trusted By…

I’ve been injury free for my longest period of time. strength climbing. Physique improving. I would highly recommend Ollie.


— Kieran

“Ollie gave me some great advice about fixing my rotator cuff issues. I’d highly recommend his injury rehab work for high performers!”


– Oliver

“Ollie gave me the knowledge to push hard in the gym without getting hurt again despite my old shoulder injury”



– Rob


Sound Like You?

For Injured Athletes, FitPros, And Gym Enthusiasts


  • You are an active man over 35 (athletes, Fitness Pros & Gym Enthusiasts) who has struggled with shoulder pain or injury for 6 months or more


  • You’re sick of feeling limited… your pain dictates your life, ruins your workouts, and gets in the way of your hobbies


  • You’ve tried everything… Physical therapy, stretching, massage, and more… but haven’t got the results you need


  • You want to minimise your shoulder pain, regain your athleticism and take back control of your health… but you’re not sure where to begin.

Ps. You Will NOT Get Results On This Program If…

You do not have access to a full equipped gym, You do not see fitness as a vital part of your lifestyle, or You are not able or willing to invest in your health.

What I hear From All Clients: “My Previous Physio, Or Injury Program Didn’t Work For Me”


Matt was unsuccessful with injections, physiotherapy and multiple rehab protocols before using my system.


Conni was unsuccessful with physiotherapy, massage, and osteopathy, before using my system.


Mike was unsuccessful with stretching, massage, and traditional rehab referrals before using my system.


Claudia was unsuccessful with banded physio exercises and foam rolling before using my system.


Who Is Ollie?

10 Years Mastering Shoulder Injury Rehab

Hey, I’m Ollie.

I’m a shoulder injury advisor who works with active men over 34.


I help them minimise their shoulder pain and regain their athleticism so they can live and train unrestricted.

I’ve been learning about shoulder rehab, health, and mobility since 2013… and it all started when I injured my shoulder.


JUST after transforming my body for the first time.


(I know… bad timing)

And I’ll be honest with you…


It was NOT a quick fix


I suffered with shoulder pain for years. Tried multiple physios. A couple osteos. Got cracked and adjusted by a chiropractor. And guess what? None of it worked.


My world came crumbling down.


And I still remember the frustration of losing muscle, needing to stop workouts half-way due to pain, struggling to carry shopping bags home from the supermarket, and that annoying dull ache that’d kick in whenever I tried to stir the scrambled eggs at breakfast.


But after many years of struggle…


Trial and error, I eventually put together a system that got me out of pain, and back in the gym training without limits.


This system took me from:

  • Weak
  • In pain
  • Frustrated
  • Disheartened
  • Unable to workout


To strong, resilient, and pain-free.


I managed to reignite my love for training, regain my athleticism, and work towards my fitness goals without my shoulder limiting my lifts or destroying my progress.


Since then…


I’ve helped athletes, fitness pros, and gym enthusiasts around the world get out of shoulder pain and reignite their love for training when nothing else would work.


All in a fraction of the time it took me.


If you want to: 


  • Get out of shoulder pain
  • Feel confident in the gym
  • Reignite your love for training
  • Build back your strength & athleticism
  • Feel on top of your game. Resilient. Limitless


My Resilience Recovery System is for you.


Without this system, I would NOT be training today.


But it hasn’t just been life changing for me…


It’s been lifechanging for my clients. Like Matt – who went from 48 months shoulder pain to 100% pain-free workouts in 4 weeks. Like Claudia – who defeated 60 months shoulder pain in 6 weeks. Like Conni who beat her frozen shoulder in 16 weeks.


I could go on… Mike… Toby… Felix… Ben… Kieran.


And I want it to be the same for you.


– Ollie

What Would Be Possible If You Could Train 100% Pain-free, Without Shoulder Pain Limiting Your Workouts Or Progress?


Want To Fix Your Shoulder?

Build Strong, Mobile, Pain-free Shoulders

If you want to get rid of your shoulder pain:


That’s exactly what Resilience RS will help you do.


It has helped my clients fix up to 60 months shoulder pain in as little as 6 weeks… all without quick-fix stretches, boring rehab exercises, quick-fix massages, invasive or surgeries.


Here’s what you get when you sign up…

  • In-Depth Assessment to help you gain clarity on your struggles and limitations, so we can build the perfect bespoke shoulder injury rehab plan for you.


  • Bespoke Injury Program built to your body, specific problems, bottlenecks and goals… that will show you how to build strong, resilient, pain-free shoulders.


  • I will personally check your exercise technique via video and give you in-depth, personalized feedback on how to improve your form to fast-track results and reduce pain.


  • Health Optimisation Strategies (Sleep, Nutrition, And Stress) to accelerate your healing, enhance workout recovery, and improve body composition.


  • 1-1 Access To Me 24/7 via Telegram to provide support, and accountability to guarantee your success. You can also jump on Zoom with me whenever you want.

Join Resilience SS® Today And Get

Structure And Mobility Screen

Learn to avoid injury and get elite results

Custom-fit Program

Boost mobility, muscle function, and strength

Session By Session Updates

To achieve your goal as fast as possible

Video Form Analysis

Remove Guesswork and lift /w/ Confidence

Unlimited 1:1 Zoom Calls

Gain clarity on what to do and how to do it

24/7 Private Telegram Access

Make things easier with daily support

Check If You Qualify For Resilience RS

Kieran Drew
Kieran Drew
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I’ve been lifting weights for 10 years and I’ve wrestled with constant injuries.

I worked with Ollie for a persistent shoulder injury, and later a hip injury.
I’d seen multiple physios who gave me standard stretches and exercises.

They worked for a few weeks, but never long term. I’d always hit the same wall.

With Ollie, I’ve been training injury free for my longest period of time and I’ve never trained better in my life. My strength is climbing. My physique is improving. And I’ve now benched for a year without issue.

Would recommend Ollie for anyone who’s had trouble like me (he’s also brilliant to work with, very attentive and caring).

I’ll never visit a normal physio again!
Adam Davidson
Adam Davidson
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I signed up to Ollie’s program because I’d suffered with rotator cuff flare-ups for more than 10 years. These flare ups lasted for 3-4 weeks at a time, were extremely painful, and restricted my ability to do simple tasks like sleep or drive.

Before working with Ollie, I tried physios and osteos with no results, and signed up to his program as a last cry for help.

I’ve not had ANY shoulder issues since I started with Ollie (6 months now). And I am confident that the strength work we have done has resolved my shoulder issues.

The thing I liked most about this program was that it was completely customised to me. I never felt like it was just a rehash of a program Ollie gave to everyone. He also changed things quickly if they weren’t working, and we had one-to-one calls to go deeper on some topics during the program.

He was always by my side to answer questions and help me progress.

If you’re thinking of signing up, do it! Ollie is a true professional and is a fantastic listener.

I am genuinely grateful, Ollie. I feel my body is in a much better place than before I started with you.
Mike Cuesta
Mike Cuesta
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After struggling with debilitating shoulder pain for over a year, I felt frustrated, depressed, and exhausted. Traditional options like physical therapy, orthopedic consultations, massages, and stretches failed to provide relief or address the root cause of my pain.

That's when I reached out to Ollie.

From the initial consultation, it was clear that Ollie truly understood my unique situation and challenges. His empathy, knowledge, and proven approach not only addressed my pain but also helped me achieve my larger fitness and performance goals.

Ollie's personalized plan, direct follow-up, and one-on-one attention were unparalleled. His guidance provided me with a positive outlook and allowed me to enjoy exercises once again as my pain subsided.

Within 6 months, I was fully healed and lifting heavier than ever. Ollie's unique and powerful approach has put me on the path to achieving better strength and fitness than I ever thought possible. I couldn't recommend Ollie enough – he's a true professional who delivers results.
Conni Biesalski
Conni Biesalski
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I had been struggling with a frozen shoulder that kicked off after my wrist fracture and surgery. But I had experienced shoulder pain before in my life. The pain was intense and severely limiting my day to day life. I had to completely stop doing upper body workouts and it kept me from surfing and doing yoga. I was incredibly frustrated. I made immense progress during the program. My range of motion has increased substantially. I can go about my day to day life without any major limitations or pain. I’m now able to train my upper body and do large movements like deadlifts without any issues. I can imagine I’ll be back on the surfboard and yoga matt very soon, too. I really valued the changing customised workouts, and the level of support was great too. Definitely work with Ollie - he's the best, kindest and most competent injury coach out there. I'm so happy I found him and so grateful to have been able to work with him.
Matt Finnegan
Matt Finnegan
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I struggled with shoulder pain for 4 years, and despite trying physios and cortisone injections, I was unable to train, unable to progress in the gym and in constant pain during the day.

I’d highly recommend Ollie.

His program has been a massive positive impact on my life as my workouts are now completely pain free, I am experiencing less pain in day to day life, and for the first time in 4 years I am optimistic about my shoulder health.

This is a much better rehab programme than the physio programs I did in the past. The support was also levels above, being able to ask him questions any time and getting really detailed, helpful responses.
Alex Corindia
Alex Corindia
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Ollie’s skill is taking the latest research and combining it with his deep experience helping people overcome injury to design some of the most effective protocols I’ver ever seen.

After he helped me solve my 3-year hip battle, I implemented his shoulder protocol to get back to benching pain-free.

It wasn’t 20 dumb drills from a physio where you’re wasting thousands of dollars - it was a science-backed protocol that fixes the root of the problem with real, functional movements.

Finding Ollie is like finding a great car mechanic, any time anything goes wrong with my body I know he’ll have a plan to get me back. I have no intention of slowing down as I reach my mid-30’s and Ollie is helping me make sure I stay in tip-top physical condition.
Toby Griffiths
Toby Griffiths
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I had multiple niggling injuries before working with Ollie. I had on-off elbow pain (both elbows) which I’d tried many times to “out-rehab” myself, with limited success. That coupled with a worrying grinding in my shoulder drove me to take action.

I’d been unable to train hard for a long time. I was frustrated my training was going nowhere and that my body was breaking down at 40. I wanted to set myself up for long-term athletic success - even as a casual lifter it’s a huge priority in my life, and I was keen to be able to train hard and pain-free again.

After 5 months, I no longer have any elbow pain, and my shoulder is no longer limiting my workouts. These improvements were worth the investment alone. That coupled with the knowledge I have gained, plus no longer worrying about my shoulder, have made this absolutely worthwhile and I’m very pleased with the results.

I’d definitely recommend working with Ollie.

He explained complex topics (eg. Biomechanics) in an accessible way and he really helped me dial in my technique. His responsiveness and feedback on Telegram for technique and exercise execution was fantastic too.
Felix Harrison
Felix Harrison
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I was having a big issue with my shoulder after a AC joint surgery in 2021. I was having constant pain and it was really effecting my physical and mental wellbeing.

I felt weak and couldn’t train.

I had tried everything, from physio and conventional lifting to massage, osteopathy and acupuncture, and was getting desperate. But my initial chat with Ollie made me confident that this was the right program for me.

I could tell Ollie was super knowledgeable about all this stuff and he had personal experience of healing a shoulder injury so that was a real plus.

After working with Ollie:

My day to day pain has reduced a lot. My strength has gone up a lot. And I am able to do a lot more in the gym. It really has made a huge difference to a chronic injury that I thought would never improve, and my quality of life has vastly improved because of it.
Evan Glucoft
Evan Glucoft
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I reached out to Ollie after struggling with shoulder pain for 6 months because of AC joint inflammation and arthritis.

I tried physical therapy, and cortisone, but my shoulder wasn’t getting any better.

The pain limited my ability to be active, the exercises I could do, and it stopped me living my normal life. It was painful to get dressed for instance.

I almost didn’t go ahead with the program, because I’ve never worked with a remote injury specialist before…

After 4 weeks working with Ollie, everyday life is pain-free. My shoulders feel strong, and I have a consistent training routine I can build on and progress with.

If you are serious about fixing your shoulder pain, and able to be responsible for your own routine, this program will work for you.
James Kennedy
James Kennedy
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My shoulder pain started only when benching but over the last year it morphed into constant pain and pinched nerves twice.

Tried ortho, chiropractor, massage, YouTube. Any relief was always temporary and the pain never fully went away.

4 weeks into Ollie’s program, the pain is much better. Tricep weakness was intense at the start but the strength is starting to come back. Super optimistic that if I stick with the slow tempo and slowly introduce new exercises back into the program I’ll be able to avoid the cycle I’ve been on for over a year now.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result. If you want different results the the stuff you’ve tried before (that’s failed) try something different.

Ollie is super easy to work with.

It’s Decision Time

You Have Two Choices Going Forward

If you keep going with your current plan, what will your shoulder feel like in 6-12 months?


If you haven’t made any progress yet, something must change.


You have two choices…


Do you leave this page… Risk staying stuck in pain, unable to workout, let your shoulder get worse, and end up back on this page in 6 months time wishing you took action sooner?


Or do you take a leap of faith?


If you’d like to put your shoulder issues behind you, then it starts by booking a free Shoulder Injury Consult with me to see if you qualify for me to help you.


If you do qualify, and you’d like my help, I guarantee it will be the best decision you’ve EVER made for your health and fitness.

Check If You Qualify For Resilience RS