”My Last Program Or Coach Didn’t Work For Me”

There’s ONE thing I hear on every strategy call…

They go through an endless hamster wheel ineffective stretches, boring rehab exercises, quick-fix massages, invasive surgeries, and wasting countless hours travelling back & forth to a clinic.


And they come out the other side:


  1. Still injured & in pain
  2. Unsure of who to trust
  3. Not knowing what to do
  4. Feeling limited & frustrated

Kieran was no exception


Kieran is a (very) well known entrepreneur with 214,000 followers on Twitter, who joined my program with persistent shoulder issues, which first began when he started lifting 10 years ago.

He’d tried other injury rehab programs, but they didn’t work.


The physio exercises and stretches would help for a few weeks, but never long term. And he just couldn’t shake the nagging shoulder pain whenever he hit the gym.


Here’s a TL;DR of Kieran’s situation…


  1. He had constant, nagging shoulder pain for years when he tried to workout his upper body.
  2. He couldn’t enjoy his sessions in the gym, and his pain stopped him from getting stronger and getting in shape.
  3. He tried the standard physio route… boring exercises, quick-fix stretches… but none of it helped long term.

During our time together, I helped him identify the root problem with a mobility screening, and I gave him clarity by showing him exactly what to do in the gym and how to progress his training.


We also used exercise technique analysis to remove all guess work to ensure he could lift with confidence. And he got 24/7 Telegram support to make sure he stayed on track.


The result?

But there’s more… because as soon as his shoulder issues were behind him, he could train pain-free and progress without limits.

He got in the best shape of his life.


He did this all on my “Resilience Recovery System.


(which you can check out here: https://ollieemberson.com/injury/).


— Ollie E.

Hurt Your Shoulder?

The Resilience Recovery System is a high-precision bespoke program designed for gym-goers who have had shoulder issues for 6+ months.


It is designed to get you out of pain, and back to training 3-5x/week without your injury destroying your lifts or destroying your progress.


I’ve been developing this system for 10 years! (Ever since I injured my own shoulder in 2014)


And I have used it to fix up to 60 months shoulder pain in as little as 6 weeks.


All without ineffective stretches, boring rehab exercises, quick-fix massages, invasive surgeries, or wasting countless hours travelling to a clinic.


Want to learn more? 

Who Is Ollie?


Injury & performance advisor to athletes, fitness pros & advanced gym-goers.


I have been obsessed with pain-free movement & workout optimisation since 2013.

When you’re Ready,

Here’s How I can Help: 

Pro Perform Club


Join 1k+ athletes & advanced trainees getting insights on pain-free movement and workout optimisation

Resilience OS: Shoulders


For those who have had shoulder issues for 3+ months.


Learn how to build strong resilient shoulders… so you can train pain-free without limits. 

Limitless Protocol


Helping athletes, Fitpros & gym-goers recover from injury.


Check out my results below: