Train 100% Pain Free In As Little As 4 Weeks

Want to eliminate chronic injury, pain, or tightness (for good)… so you can train without setbacks? Our system will do that for you or you don’t pay for it

Who We Work With

The Pain-free Athlete is a bespoke 1-1 program for those who have been injured for 6+ months and failed to fix their injury with physio, osteo, chiro, and more.

This is for you if…

#1) Eliminate Your Pain

Live without the constant burden of shoulder pain… so you can live daily life without discomfort or frustration

#2) Restore Your Strength

Feel capable, strong and unrestricted in movement… so you can train and be active without fear of injury or pain

#3) Perform at Your Best

Feel confident pushing your physical limits… so you can make progress in the gym or excel on the sports field

#4) Boost Your Longevity

Protect your joint health and muscle function by training smart… so you remain fit, active, and engaged for life

Our Testimonials

What Would Be Possible If You Could Train Without Nagging Injuries, Pains, or Joint Issues Limiting Your Workouts?

Pain-free life and Training in 4 weeks

Evan (an La-based finance exec and father) had shoulder pain for 6 months… that limited his ability to train, be active, do simple daily tasks and play with his kids.


He tried physical therapy and cortisone:

But neither provided lasting results or relief.


Working with Ollie:


Evan was 100% pain free life and training in 4 weeks.

Evan Glucoft
Evan GlucoftNexus Captial // Los Angeles, USA
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I reached out to Ollie after struggling with shoulder pain for 6 months (AC joint inflammation and arthritis). I tried physical therapy, and cortisone, but my shoulder wasn’t getting better.

The pain limited my ability to be active, the exercises I could do, and it stopped me living my normal life. It was painful to get dressed for instance.

After 4 weeks working with Ollie, everyday life is pain-free. My shoulders feel strong, and I have a consistent training routine I can progress with.

If you are serious about fixing your shoulder pain, and able to be responsible for your own routine, this program will work for you.

13 Months Shoulder Pain

Mike (a Miami-based father and fitness lover) battled with 13 months of shoulder pain… he lost strength and muscle, couldn’t train his upper body, and felt weak and frustrated.


He tried PT, massage, stretches…

But none of it helped long-term.


After working with Ollie:


His shoulder is 100% healed, stronger than BEFORE he was injured…. and he is weight training 4x/week without pain limiting his progress.

Mike Cuesta
Mike CuestaEntrepreneur // Miami, USA
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After struggling with debilitating shoulder pain for over a year, I felt frustrated, depressed, and exhausted. Traditional options like physical therapy, orthopedic consultations, massages, and stretches failed to provide relief or address the root cause of my pain.

That's when I reached out to Ollie.

From the initial consultation, it was clear that Ollie truly understood my unique situation and challenges. His empathy, knowledge, and proven approach not only addressed my pain but also helped me achieve my larger fitness and performance goals.

Ollie's personalized plan, direct follow-up, and one- on-one attention were unparalleled. His guidance provided me with a positive outlook and allowed me to enjoy exercises once again as my pain subsided.

Within 6 months, I was fully healed and lifting heavier than ever. Ollie's unique and powerful approach has put me on the path to achieving better strength and fitness than I ever thought possible.

I couldn't recommend Ollie enough – he's a true professional who delivers results

Fully healed. Stronger than ever.

Conni (Portugal-based business owner) struggled with frozen shoulder pain that restricted her mobility and disrupted her yoga, workouts, and daily tasks… like putting on a sweater.


She tried physical therapy, massage, and osteo:

But still felt restricted, frustrated and stuck.


After working with Ollie:


She lives without pain or restriction, weight trains 100% pain-free 4 times a week, got back to yoga and even started playing tennis.

Conni Biesalski
Conni BiesalskiEntrepreneur // Portugal
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I had been struggling with a frozen shoulder that kicked off after my wrist fracture and surgery.

The pain was intense and severely limited my day to day life. I had to completely stop doing upper body workouts and it kept me from doing yoga. I was incredibly frustrated.

I made immense progress during the program. My range of motion has increased substantially. I can go about my day to day life without any limitations or pain. I’m now able to train my upper body and do large movements like deadlifts without any issues.

I really valued the changing customised workouts, and the level of support was great too.

Definitely work with Ollie - he's the best, kindest and most competent coach out there. I’m so happy I found him and so grateful to have been able to work with him.

10 Years of Shoulder Pain

Adam (An Aussie-based biz owner and father) suffered with 10 years of rotator cuff pain that destroyed his ability to be active, his daily life… his sleep… and his ability to drive.


He tried physical therapy and osteo:

But his pain and limitations remained.


After working with Ollie:


His shoulder is strong and pain-free. It no longer affects his daily life. And he is able to push his shoulder in the gym with zero issues.

Adam Davidson
Adam DavidsonEntrepreneur // Australia
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I signed up to Ollie’s program because I’d suffered with rotator cuff flare-ups for more than 10 years. These flare ups lasted for 3-4 weeks at a time, were extremely painful, and restricted my ability to do simple tasks like sleep or drive. Before working with Ollie, I tried physios and osteos with no results, and signed up to his program as a last cry for help.

I’ve not had ANY shoulder issues since I started with Ollie (6 months now). I am confident that the strength work we have done has resolved my shoulder issues, and my body is in a much better place than when I started.

The thing I liked most about this program was that it was completely customised to me. I never felt like it was just a rehash of a program Ollie gave to everyone. He also changed things quickly if they weren’t working, and was always by my side to answer questions and help me progress.

If you’re thinking of signing up, do it! Ollie is a true professional and is a fantastic listener.

Stronger, leaner and fitter than ever

Toby (a UK based biz-owner and father) suffered with multiple injuries for 2 years. He was unable to push hard or progress in the gym… and he was worried his body was breaking down.


He tried various programs:

But none of them worked.


After working with Ollie:


His elbow and shoulder issues disappeared. He could bench for the first time in a year. And most importantly, he had the confidence to train hard without injury or pain derailing his progress.

Toby Griffiths
Toby GriffithsOnline Business Owner // UK
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I had multiple nagging injuries before working with Ollie… on-off shoulder and elbow pain (both elbows) which I’d tried many times to resolve, with limited success.

I’d been unable to train hard for a long time. I was frustrated my training was going nowhere and concerned my body was breaking down at 40. I was keen to be able to train hard and pain-free again.

At first the price was slightly prohibitive for me. But I went for it because I’d been in pain for 2 years and in hindsight, it was 100% worth it.

I haven't had a single shoulder or elbow problem since working with Ollie… And a year later, I'm stronger, leaner and fitter than ever.. This was 100% one of the best decisions I ever made for my health.

Responsiveness and feedback on Telegram for technique, exercise execution and problem solving were also great.

If you’re serious about your health and fitness, I’d definitely recommend working with Ollie.

Stronger, leaner and fitter than ever

Matt had tried to fix his shoulder pain for 4 years and was starting to lose hope… he tried physio, injections and didn’t know where to turn for help.

He had no choice but to avoid the gym…

Before Limitless:


  • 4 year shoulder injury
  • Unable to train or progress
  • Low in confidence and out of shape

4 weeks in: He was back to pain-free training, able to start progressing for the first time in 4 years and now.

Matt Finnegan
Matt FinneganFitness Enthusiast // UK
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I struggled with day to day shoulder pain for 4 years and despite trying physios and cortisone injections, I was in constant pain during the day and unable progress or train properly in the gym.

The program and depth of support was great with Ollie. Being able to ask questions over telegram or get face to face support on zoom anytime I needed it.

4 weeks in, I had less pain in day to day life and my workouts were completely pain free. Months later and I’m benching 80kg without any issues. Ollie’s program has been a massive positive impact on my life.

My shoulder is in the least amount of pain since I injured, and for the first time in 4 years I am optimistic about my shoulder.

“My quality of life vastly improved”

Felix (a London-based tech developer) who struggled with 3 years of pain that destroyed his daily life, active lifestyle, fitness, body composition and mental wellbeing.


He tried surgery, PT, Osteo and more:

But he was left limited, hopeless and in pain.


After working with Ollie:


Felix was back to weight training 3 times a week… which transformed his quality of life, health, fitness, confidence, and happiness.

Felix Harrison
Felix HarrisonSoftware Developer // London, UK
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I was having a big issue with my shoulder after AC joint surgery in 2021. I was in constant pain and it was really affecting my physical and mental wellbeing.

I felt weak and couldn’t train.

I had tried everything, from physio and conventional lifting to massage, osteopathy and acupuncture, and was getting desperate. But my initial chat with Ollie made me confident that this was the right program for me.

I could tell Ollie was super knowledgeable about all this stuff and he had personal experience of healing a shoulder injury so that was a real plus.

After working with Ollie my day to day pain has reduced a lot. My strength has gone up a lot. And I am able to do a lot more in the gym. It really has made a huge difference to a chronic injury that I thought would never improve, and my quality of life has vastly improved because of it.

“4 weeks in, the pain is much better”

James (a US-based fitness enthusiast) struggled with 1+ year of shoulder pain that left him feeling weak, limited, and stopped him pushing hard or progressing in the gym.


He tried PT, chiro, massage, youtube…

But his pain always came back.


After working with Ollie:


James’s pain greatly reduced, his strength came back and he finally felt optimistic about progressing in the gym worry free.

James Kennedy
James KennedyExperienced gym-goer // USA
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My shoulder pain started only when benching but over the last year it morphed into constant pain and pinched nerves twice.

Tried osteo, chiropractor, massage, YouTube. Any relief was always temporary and the pain never fully went away.

After Ollie’s 4 week kickstarter, the pain is much better.

Tricep weakness was intense at the start but the strength is coming back. Super optimistic that if I stick with the slow tempo and slowly introduce my new exercises back into the program I’ll be able to avoid the cycle I’ve been on for over a year now.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result. If you want different results to the stuff you’ve tried before (that’s failed) try something different.

Ollie is super easy to work with.

Meet Your Advisor

Ollie is an Injury and performance advisor who has worked with nationally ranked athletes, 6-7 figure business owners, and ambitious executives who want to escape the injury rehab cycle.


In 2023 and 2024, 93% of Ollie’s clients recovered better AND faster than in-person physical therapy, osteopathy, chiropractic, and more.

Personal Experience

Resolved my shoulder, wrist, hip, and knee issues when “experts” were unable to help me

Unbeatable Success Rate

This program has a 93% success rate… compared to 20% for cortisone and 70% for physical therapy

Proven Track Record

Over 10,000 hours spent mastering biomechanics, and how to serve 1-1 clients in person and remotely

Timeless Principles

The principles behind my system are responsible for helping 1000s escape the injury rehab cycle


“Surgery might be your best option, Ollie”

I closed my eyes, slouched in my chair, and exhaled in despair.

The £250 Harley Street Shoulder Consultant stared across the table perched on the edge of his seat waiting for a response.

Silence filled the room…

Seconds stretched into what felt like hours.

Maybe he was right?
Maybe it was time?
Maybe this was it?

My interest in shoulder health began in 2014… when I injured my shoulder JUST after transforming my body for the first time.

(Poor timing… I know)

Turns out…

Body transformations are great for aesthetics.

But the toll on your joints? Brutal.

I obliterated my body in a 12 week sprint to get in shape.

My wrists couldn’t support a light barbell… my rotator cuff struggled… and I even damaged my collarbone
(thanks to chasing “full ROM” and “the stretch” on flyes and presses)

Crunching. Clicking. Grinding. Not good.

The pain restricted my workouts… at first.

I stubbornly tried to train through it.

Until dips, bench and shoulder presses became too painful. My shoulder couldn’t take it and my wrists gave out under minimal weight.

Pressing was out.

But I still tried to make do with a limited library of upper body exercises… rows, pulldowns, and arm exercises (eg. Biceps curls)…

Until the aching, soreness, and tightness became unbearable too.

Training felt like a waste of time.

Every attempted upper body workout left me feeling weak, angry, frustrated…

I felt scrawny. Weak.

And then?

My shoulder started to dictate daily life:

Sleeping on my side. Carrying my back pack. Even the 9 min grocery commute home become uncomfortable, and disheartening.

I needed help.

And so I tried cortisone injections. Multiple physios. A couple osteos. Got cracked and adjusted by a chiropractor. Explored foam rolling, massages, and graston.

But no matter what I tried…

Nothing worked.

I couldn’t get back to that place where I could be active, push my body, and train how I wanted.

I felt stuck.

And after 100s of wasted hours and £1000s down the drain on short-lived treatments, I was left with two choices.

#1) Get surgery
#2) Figure it out alone

Surgery felt like giving up.

So I chose the harder path — figuring it out alone.

Late nights, early mornings, and endless trial and error became my new normal. But through perseverance, I made a life-changing discovery.

And then got to work building my own system so I could escape the injury rehab cycle.

I was successful.

I got out of pain and regained my strength — which allowed me to be active and train without limitations.


My workouts involves chest press, shoulder press, dips, pull ups, rows, and lateral raises… my shoulders are stronger than ever.

Since resolving my shoulder issues:

My system has been tested and proven with nationally ranked athletes, 6-7 figure business owners, and ambitious executives.

And I have worked with clients in:

• United Kingdom
• United States
• Singapore
• Australia
• Portugal
• Bahrain
• Brazil
• Italy
• Bali

My results are some of the best on the planet.

In 2023 and 2024, my system helped 93% of clients recover better AND faster than in-person PT and other popular methods.

Outside of business: I’ve been travelling the world and living in different countries with my fiancé since February 2023.


And when I’m not serving clients:


You’ll find me…


  • Checking up on bitcoin, balancing my portfolio and learning about macroeconomic cycles (numbers are fun)


  • Diving obsessively into new detail driven interests (INTJ here)


  • Watching amazing shows (like Billions, Suits, or Succession… I struggle to watching anything that isn’t motivational or educational)


  • Having the occasional cigar and Lagavulin (although truth be told, I do enjoy researching cigars more than actually smoking them)


Interested? Let’s Talk