The Pro Perform Club

Feel restricted by recurring injuries, pain, or joint issues? Join the Pro perform Club to get weekly insights, tips, and case studies to help you overcome injury, and train 100% pain-free (with zero stretches, surgery, or silly rehab routines).

Trusted By…


Where Do I Start?

Enter the world of pain-free movement and workout optimisation

Kieran Drew

36 months of shoulder pain destroyed Kieran’s fitness progress, caused muscle loss, and stopped him from getting in shape.


Now he’s in the best shape of his life.

Matt Finnegan

Matt tried to fix his shoulder pain (for 48 months) with physical therapy and cortisone injections. He was unsuccessful.
He had his 1st pain-free workout 4 weeks into my program.


Pain-free Athlete™

Overcome Injury. Get Out Of Pain. Train Without Limits.

100% Bespoke 1:1 Training

For injured lifters who feel restricted in the gym by recurring injuries, pain, or joint issues… and have failed to improve their situation with physio, osteo, chiro and other methods.
Overcome injury and train 100% pain-free (in as little as 6 weeks)… with ZERO stretches, surgery, or silly rehab routines.


Who Is Ollie?

10 Years Challenging Tradition And Chasing Excellence

I’m Ollie:

An injury and biomechanics advisor for people who love training.


My journey began in 2014 when I injured my shoulder just after getting into the best shape of my life.


What started as a search to fix my shoulder, turned into a decade long-journey obsessing over strength training and biomechanics.


I’ve worked with athletes, fitness pros, and experienced trainees in 5 continents – helping these injured lifters get back to training pain-free without limits.