By Ollie Emberson

2 years of pain GONE in 6 weeks [case study]

What’s up my friend,

It’s been an incredible week.

I just wrapped up 6 months of injury rehab with Toby,

He went from a 2 year injury to training 100% pain-free in 6 weeks.

And in todays email, I want to tell you how we did it (For $0)!

Toby is a fitness coach and father based in the UK.

After living with a 2 year elbow injury,

He was tired of constant pain and frustrated because he couldn’t train.

To try and fix his injuries, Toby tried all the classic rehab advice:

• Stretching and massage
• Knees over toes guy
• And much more

It helped short term, but his pain ALWAYS came back days to weeks later.

He was tired of wasting time and money on solutions that didn’t work.

And wanted the confidence to train hard without worrying about injuries destroying his workouts and progress. That’s when he reached out for help.

Here’s what we did…

Toby had been in pain for a long time, and so he had unhelpful beliefs:

• About his pain
• About his situation
• About what did/didn’t work

We needed to address these beliefs because they were destroying his ability to recover…

We tackled these beliefs by:

• Debunking myths

• Educating him via Zoom

• Sending research papers to him

He learned why his past efforts were unsuccessful + why OUR efforts would be successful.

And this gave him hope that his injury could be improved (which it was).

Ps. The screenshot above is the “resources library” – all my clients receive this to overcome the misinformation and bullshit preached in the industry – so they can learn what works once and for all.

Here’s what we did:

• Resistance training

• 3 workouts/week

• A full body split

All with the goal to increase mobility, muscle function and strength.

He also got lifetime access to a private exercise library to help him execute everything perfectly… (see above)

We altered Toby’s exercises so he could train and load tissue around his pain.

A few examples:

• Slow movement

• Used cuffs + cables

• Removed fixed + EZ bars

This reduced Toby’s pain so he could strengthen his elbows and shoulders.

Alongside his elbow rehab,

Toby also received a full body program & guidance on how to:

• Reduce injury risk

• Get quicker results

• Move pain free for life

Whilst altering or replacing any exercises that could slow or prevent his injury recovery.

We used video to make sure Toby was doing his workouts perfectly.

We monitored his:

• Technique

• Exercise set up

• Exercise execution

And because of this, his form was better than it had been in years (which drastically sped up his injury recovery)

Throughout the 5 months,

Toby had:

• Unlimited Zoom calls

24/7 Telegram support

• Instant response times

And I was in his corner telling him exactly what to do, how to do it and when – every step of the way.

After 2 years stuck with pain and losing hope,

Toby finally found a system that helped him eradicate his elbow pain.

Now he can train athletically, pain-free, and push his body harder than he was able to.

And YOU can do the same…

Do you have pain that nothing seems to solve?

Has it started to get in the way of your workouts, and your life?

I can help.

I have a 95% success rate and my 7 step program can make you pain free in less than 6 weeks.


Fill in this form to see if you qualify:

Till next time,

— Ollie E.

Who Is Ollie?


Ollie is a performance and injury advisor trusted by athletes, biz owners and health optimisers.


In 2023 and 2024, 93% of Ollie’s clients recovered better AND faster than in-person physical therapy, osteo and more.

When you’re Ready, Here’s How I can Help: 

Pro Perform Club


Join 1000+ high-performers getting 2 powerful emails a week on pain-free movement and workout optimisation.

Pain-free Masterclass [Free]


Discover how to overcome recurring shoulder injuries so you can train 100% pain free in the next 30 days

Pain-free Athlete™ [Paid]


For those who have been injured for 6+ months and failed to fix their injury with physical therapy.

Get out of pain (for good), train without limits, and feel strong, sturdy and confident in the gym.

This is only for those who have had shoulder pain for 6+ months AND tried physical therapy. If that’s not you, leave this page now!