By Ollie Emberson

5 Exercises My Clients Do To Build Strong, Pain-free Knees

Something slightly different for you today.

Seeing as you’re subscribed to this newsletter – you’ll know I do a lot of shoulder rehab work.

But what you may not know

(because I haven’t done much content on it)

I also help clients overcome hip, knee and elbow injuries too

(Current success rate is 100% – touch wood)

So, if you’ve ever wondered: ”Which movements should I do to build knee strength, improve mobility and eradicate pain?”

This letter is a must read.

Below, you’ll find 5 exercise to bulletproof your knees for good – hope you these exercises as valuable as my clients and I have 🙂

If you want pain-free knees that are:

• Stronger
• More stable
• More mobile

You must challenge the knee muscles through their full range (long to short).

But it gets complicated…


I’ll tell you after you’ve taken a quick look at the image below…

See Ollie: some knee muscles are “biarticular”

This means they cross over >1 joint.

1/ Hamstrings (knee + hip)
2/ Rec Fem (knee + hip)
3/ Gastroc (knee + ankle)

And that means you need >1 exercise to challenge these muscles through a full ROM.

Let me show you how…

🏴 // Leg Extension //


Use this to challenge Rectus Femoris in it’s shortest position and other quads from their mid to shortest positions.

A tip:

If you can’t squeeze into the top postion, you need to lighten the load!

What it looks like:

🏴// Sissy Squat //





Use this to challenge all quads towards their longest positions (degree of knee extension unique to individual)



A tip:


Regress the exercise by starting in a kneeling position on the floor.



What it looks like:

🏴// Seated Leg Curl //


Challenge short head Biceps Femoris in it’s shortest position, and other hamstrings from lengthened to mid positions.

A Tip:

Push yourself into the seat to increase stability and increase your strength / output.

What it looks like:

🏴// Lying Leg Curl //

“Another leg curl!?” – Yep.


Challenges hamstrings from their mid to short positions (Not including the short head of Biceps Femoris).

A Tip:

Push your legs and hips into the pad at all times to prevent “exercise cheating”.

What it looks like:

🏴// Standing Calf Raises //


Challenges your Gastroc from it’s lengthened to mid position (you lengthen gastroc by extending the knee).

A Tip:

“Tip toe” towards the top as if you’re trying to reach over a wall to grab something.

What it looks like:

🏴// Seated Calf Raises //


Challenges your Gastroc from it’s mid position to fully shortened (because you shorten Gastroc by flexing at the knee).

A Tip:

Towards the top, try to push the front of your foot forward to improve control.

What it looks like:

Hope you found this useful, my friend?

To summarise, here are 6 exercises I recommend you use to build stronger knees:

• Leg Extension
• Sissy Squat
• Lying leg curl
• Seated leg curl
• Standing calf raise
• Seated Calf raise

Anyways, that’s it from me today –

Have an awesome weekend and see you next week 🙂

— Ollie E.

ps. All image credits in this email go to “strength level”

Who Is Ollie?


Ollie is a performance and injury advisor trusted by athletes, biz owners and health optimisers.


In 2023 and 2024, 93% of Ollie’s clients recovered better AND faster than in-person physical therapy, osteo and more.

When you’re Ready, Here’s How I can Help: 

Pro Perform Club


Join 1000+ high-performers getting 2 powerful emails a week on pain-free movement and workout optimisation.

Pain-free Masterclass [Free]


Discover how to overcome recurring shoulder injuries so you can train 100% pain free in the next 30 days

Pain-free Athlete™ [Paid]


For those who have been injured for 6+ months and failed to fix their injury with physical therapy.

Get out of pain (for good), train without limits, and feel strong, sturdy and confident in the gym.

This is only for those who have had shoulder pain for 6+ months AND tried physical therapy. If that’s not you, leave this page now!