This would cost me $10,000 [don’t make the same mistake]

I will begin this email with a simple humble flex to give my message some credibility..   In the first 7 days, Vik (an investment analyst from Singapore) had his first 100% pain-free workout.   Crazy to think he joined this newsletter in Feb 2023   Waited 18 months to join my program:   And […]

From nagging shoulder pain… to training with zero issues [Mike’s Story]

Meet Mike… ​A Miami-based business owner and dedicated father, struggled with debilitating chronic shoulder pain for 13 months.. For 13 months, Mike’s shoulder injury: ​Disrupted his workoutsStopped him being activeStrained his daily activitiesRuined his sleep and energyStopped him playing /w/ his sonMade him weaker and less muscular ​And despite seeing multiple (3) physical therapists over […]

The #1 Mobility Myth That Needs To Die (99% of people make this mistake)

As I was scrolling through my Twitter feed this morning, I stumbled upon something that made my skin crawl.   A thread.   From a “functional” mobility coach with 20,000 followers—selling animal flow and exotic bodyweight drills as the ultimate solution for better mobility, movement, and health.   Why did it boil my blood?   […]

Why your mobility routine isn’t working (+ what to do about it)

Mobility issues hold you back from living life to the fullest.   Whether that’s poor athletic performance on the court or course… limited range of motion in the gym… or frustration and discomfort during simple day to day life.   And like most intelligent people:   You may turn to stretching to improve your mobility, […]

How Adam Escaped 10 Years Of Shoulder Pain Hell

Most people think injury rehab is a waste of time.   Or at least:   That’s what Adam thought.   Adam is a business owner and father based in Australia. And when I tell you what he went through, you’ll understand why he held the belief above.   See when I met him:   Adam […]

Injured Or In Pain for 6+ Months? Read this

Dealing with chronic injury, pain, or joint issues for MORE than 6 months is a frustrating and disheartening experience, isn’t it? ​​And no… ​​I’m not talking about how limited and frustrated you feel in daily life, in the gym, or whenever you try to be active. ​I’m talking about this:​​​“I’ve tried everything, but nothing seems […]

From 3 Year Shoulder Injury To 100% pain-free Workouts In 8 Weeks [Kieran’s Story] Kieran is a UK-based business owner and copywriter who has been into fitness for around 10 years.   He came into the pain-free athlete program with a 3 year recurrent shoulder injury, after going around in circles with different physical therapists.   After 2 months working together, he fixed his shoulder issue and was […]

5 Reasons Why Rest Will Not Fix Your Injury

DO you relate to this scenario?   You injure your shoulder… and get pain whenever you try to bench or shoulder press.   But every time you take a break from the gym: Your pain subsides and you start to feel better.   This leads you to wonder   “Hmm… maybe rest will help me […]

Fix This To Heal Your Shoulder 10x Faster [My Injury Rehab System]

Shoulder pain is frustrating isn’t it?   It restricts your daily life… compromises in your ability to train… and acts as a roadblock to achieving what you want in the gym …   But here’s what makes most people REALLY angry:   Despite your desire to heal your shoulder… move pain-free… train unrestricted… and feel […]

There Is A Way To Beat Chronic Shoulder Pain [How To Guide]

Does your pain feel “unfixable”?   Most rehab plans are not designed to fix chronic pain or provide long-lasting results.   eg. Dry Needling eg. “Easy” Physio Rehab eg. Stretches And Massage   These dampen pain for a few days to weeks… but your pain will come back because they do NOT address or fix […]