If You’re An Injured FitPro or Athlete, Read This

Are you tired of wasting time, energy and money on: ​ • Classic rehab • Physical therapy • Foam Rolling • Osteopathy • Stretching • Massage ​ All whilst being stuck with pain that STOPS you training AND enjoying what was once a highlight of your day? ​ I know this problem well. ​ Because […]

Don’t Ignore This Vital Part Of Your Workouts!

What’s up my friend, ​ Hope you’re having an incredible week! ​ In this email, I want to explain to you why Dumbbell Lateral Raises SUCK. ​ • They waste time • They leave results on the table • They feel like complete & utter sh*t ​ Well, that’s kind of what I want to […]

Injured? Avoid These 10 Deadly Rehab Mistakes

An injury is one of the WORST experiences a lifter can go through. ​ You lose muscle You lose strength You lose confidence You feel frustrated ​ And you’re unable to enjoy your workouts that were was once a highlight of your day. ​ Imagine then, how much worse it gets: ​ When you’re 6 […]

3 AWFUL (science-backed) Reasons To Stretch

I’ll level with you now… This letter is will piss a LOT of people off. Why? Because StReTcHiNg. I’m about to pick it up, tear it to shreds, throw it around like a rag doll and knock it the fuck out 🤜 Ding Ding Ding! ”Ollie, what are you smoking?“ The truth pipe my friend. […]

Preparing for shoulder Rehab: Steal my 3-part Triage System

Whats up my friend,   How you doing?   If we haven’t met properly I’m Ollie:   I fixed my own “unfixable” 2014 shoulder injury after DISAPPOINTING results with physios, chiros, osteos, surgeons, stretching, “rehab” exercise, massage therapy, acupuncture and dry needling.   That experience inspired me to become an elite performance & injury rehab […]