The #1 Mobility Myth That Needs To Die (99% of people make this mistake)

As I was scrolling through my Twitter feed this morning, I stumbled upon something that made my skin crawl.   A thread.   From a “functional” mobility coach with 20,000 followers—selling animal flow and exotic bodyweight drills as the ultimate solution for better mobility, movement, and health.   Why did it boil my blood?   […]

Why your mobility routine isn’t working (+ what to do about it)

Mobility issues hold you back from living life to the fullest.   Whether that’s poor athletic performance on the court or course… limited range of motion in the gym… or frustration and discomfort during simple day to day life.   And like most intelligent people:   You may turn to stretching to improve your mobility, […]

Why “Full Range Of Motion” Is Bullsh*t

“Squat Ass To Grass!””Bench Bar To Chest!””Deadlift From The Floor!””Everyone should do chin ups!”​   I fell into believing these statements when I first started training.   And you know what it led to?   ​Frustration. Rubbish results. Pain. Injury.​   In fact, these arbitrary rules were responsible for a lot of my shoulder and […]

Program Guide [Cookie-cutter vs 100% Bespoke]

If you want to train like the 1%, get elite results FASTER than ever and eliminate niggles / injuries for good…   This letter will show you how.   But first:   We must address the elephant in the room. Most Programs Suck This includes online programs, youtube videos… even plans put together by $1000/mo […]