5 Injury Rehab Myths That Need To Die

What’s up my friend.


Listen – I get it…


In the world of fitness and sports, injuries feel like a major set back.


And I bet you have seen a lot of advice on injury rehab, but what if I told you some of the most common beliefs HOLD you back?


In todays email, I’ll shatter those myths with you and pave the way for a genuine road to recovery.


Ready? Me too. LeTz Go.


#1: “No Pain, No Gain”

Pushing your limits in the gym is crucial.


But for rehab? It’s more complicated than that.




Well, the goal of injury rehab is to touch pain without making it worse. Key phrase: “Without making it worse”.


Pain is your body’s way of saying, “Hey, something’s not right!” and pushing too far will make things worse.


So instead, focus on controlled slow movement, limit range of motion if you need to and remember gradual progress is king. Your body will thank you.


#2: “Rest Is Always Best”

Rest is essential, especially for acute injury.


But long periods of inactivity, it’s not the magic solution.


Active recovery, involving light mobility drills and targeted resistance training, encourages your body to adapt to “hard stuff”, and that can speed up the recovery process.


Best ditch the notion that lying on the couch for weeks is the only way to heal.


#3: “One-size-fits-all Rehab Plans”

You are unique, and so is your body.


That’s why cookie cutter plan don’t get good results: Because they don’t address your specific needs.


So what are the potential outcomes of a cookie cutter plan?


A few:


Best case? very slow results.

“Meh” case? you stay stuck in pain.

Worst case? your pain actually gets WORSE.


My advice would be to seek personalized advice from (real) professionals who understand your goals and injury history.


A tailored approach is key to unlocking your recovery potential.


#4: “I Can Do It On My Own”

I respect your drive for independence.


But navigating the intricate world of injury rehab solo might not be the best choice.


Find a Rehab specialist (hint hint…) who can see your blind spots, offer guidance, correct your form, and provide the support you need.


And don’t be afraid to ask for help—it’s a sign of strength.


#5: “Quick-fixes Exist”

In a world of instant gratification, we often fall prey to quick fixes that fail to work long term.


I did it when I got injured, and so have many of my clients 🙁


The reality is this:


True recovery takes time and consistent effort.


So embrace the journey, celebrate small victories, and be patient with your body. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and your recovery won’t be either.



So there we have it.


The 5 biggest injury rehab myths:


#1) No pain no gain

#2) Rest is always best

#3) One size fits all plans

#4) I can do it on my own

#5) Quick fixes exist


Hope you found this letter useful.


Stay inspired, stay hopeful and let’s conquer those rehab hurdles together!


— Ollie E.

If you want to recover from injury, train pain free and get back to playing sport in 2024…


I guarantee I can help you achieve your goals.


We’ll work together 1:1 so you can: 


1. Recover from injury

2. Train pain free without limits

3. Get back to playing + loving sport

4. Regain control of your health + confidence


If you’d like to learn more…


Click below to schedule a free consultation.

Who Is Ollie?


Injury & performance advisor to athletes, fitness pros & advanced gym-goers.


I have been obsessed with pain-free movement & workout optimisation since 2013.

When you’re Ready,

Here’s How I can Help: 

Pro Perform Club


Join 1k+ athletes & advanced trainees getting insights on pain-free movement and workout optimisation

Resilience OS: Shoulders


For those who have had shoulder issues for 3+ months.


Learn how to build strong resilient shoulders… so you can train pain-free without limits. 

Limitless Protocol


Helping athletes, Fitpros & gym-goers recover from injury.


Check out my results below: