Why “Full Range Of Motion” Is Bullsh*t

“Squat Ass To Grass!””Bench Bar To Chest!””Deadlift From The Floor!””Everyone should do chin ups!”​   I fell into believing these statements when I first started training.   And you know what it led to?   ​Frustration. Rubbish results. Pain. Injury.​   In fact, these arbitrary rules were responsible for a lot of my shoulder and […]

Program Guide [Cookie-cutter vs 100% Bespoke]

If you want to train like the 1%, get elite results FASTER than ever and eliminate niggles / injuries for good…   This letter will show you how.   But first:   We must address the elephant in the room. Most Programs Suck This includes online programs, youtube videos… even plans put together by $1000/mo […]

5 Reasons Why You Keep Getting Injured [Avoid]

We’ve all been there.​You get a niggle or twinge in the gym… You take some time off… Return to training… And all seems fine for a couple sessions…   But “fine” doesn’t last:   Because your niggle comes back. Again.   ​”Oh… for f*cks sake!” So, why does this happen?   In today’s email:   […]

Please Read This If You Have Chronic Pain

I clenched my teeth in frustration:   ​“I don’t think the program is working – my pain has been awful this week”   ​My physio sat back on his stool…   Took a deep breath…   ​And asked:   ”What’s changed this week?”   Truth is, the program hadn’t changed… It been the same for 6 […]

5 Reasons Why Traditional Rehab Sucks

If you’re like my clients: You’ve had a TERRIBLE time trying to recover from injury. They try everything… Youtube… Stretching… Massage… Acupuncture… Osteopathy… Chiropractic… Physical Therapy… Injections… maybe surgery… But despite spending more time and money on this stuff, they still fail to get the relief or results they need. This is where they fall […]

5 Shoulder Pain Relief Exercises (+ Videos)

What’s up my friend,   Shoulder pain is the MOST common problem I deal with here at Pro Perform Labs.   Truth is, it’s simple to fix IF you have the right exercises…   This email is for you if you want to:   • Avoid shoulder pain• Improve your mobility• Build shoulder strength   […]

Injured? You NEED these 4 things

99% of gym-goers get injured at some point in their lives. ​ And most people FAIL to rehab their injury. ​ They live with it for months, years or decades and the frustrations of muscle loss, fat gain and weakness become a normal part of everyday life. ​ Know why these people fail to rehab […]

Got A Nagging Injury? Read This

Ever wondered what would happen if you let your injury go unsolved? ​ What would it cost you 1 year later? How about 5? ​ Hell, even 10!? ​ I’ve seen these awful effects. ​ Not just from personal experience – every client I’ve worked with over 8 years has suffered from at least 3 […]

7 Biggest Injury Rehab Mistakes

In my (almost) 10 years of helping clients battle injury I’ve helped people succeed where other “experts” couldn‘t. ​ Why? ​ Because not only do I have an incredible 5 step system that’s taken me almost a decade to perfect… ​ I also know EXACTLY what to avoid… ​ Today, I’m going to share with […]