7 Steps To Fix Injury In As Little As 6 Weeks

Some pain feels “unfixable”, and an unsolved injury leads to: ​ •Fat gain •Muscle loss •Low confidence •$10000s medical bills •Poor quality of life •Declining health •Low energy •Weakness ​ But it gets WORSE because most people follow common injury rehab advice that REDUCES pain: ​ •Massage •Stretching •Medication •Acupuncture •Therabands ​ And none of […]

2 years of pain GONE in 6 weeks [case study]

What’s up my friend, ​ It’s been an incredible week. ​ I just wrapped up 6 months of injury rehab with Toby, ​ He went from a 2 year injury to training 100% pain-free in 6 weeks. ​ And in todays email, I want to tell you how we did it (For $0)! Toby is […]

How I Fixed An Unfixable Injury [My Story]

What’s up my friend, ​ I thought it was time I’d share my story with you… ​ See, I got into fitness in 2014 to solve my own “unfixable” shoulder injury. ​ Here’s a comparison of when I was injured vs today ​ Me in 2014 ​ • Painful Shoulder injury • Felt weak and […]

5 Exercises My Clients Do To Build Strong, Pain-free Knees

Something slightly different for you today. ​ Seeing as you’re subscribed to this newsletter – you’ll know I do a lot of shoulder rehab work. ​ But what you may not know ​ (because I haven’t done much content on it) ​ I also help clients overcome hip, knee and elbow injuries too ​ (Current […]

Why You Can’t Do The Splits (feat. Andrew Huberman)

I think Andrew Huberman is great. ​ And seeing as you’re subscribed to this newsletter, I’m willing to bet you listen to him frequently (or at least know who he is). ​ But here’s the thing Ollie… ​ Whilst most of his advice is great, some of it is NOT. ​ And that’s fine – […]

5 Incredible Shoulder Strengthening Exercises

Have you ever wondered: ​ ”Which accessory movements should I do to build shoulder strength, improve mobility and eradicate pain?” ​ If you have: This email is a must read. ​ Below, you’ll find 5 guides (+ videos) on how to perform: ​ 1/ Reverse Fly 2/ Lateral Raise 3/ Chest Fly 4/ SA Pulldowns […]

If You’re An Injured FitPro or Athlete, Read This

Are you tired of wasting time, energy and money on: ​ • Classic rehab • Physical therapy • Foam Rolling • Osteopathy • Stretching • Massage ​ All whilst being stuck with pain that STOPS you training AND enjoying what was once a highlight of your day? ​ I know this problem well. ​ Because […]

Don’t Ignore This Vital Part Of Your Workouts!

What’s up my friend, ​ Hope you’re having an incredible week! ​ In this email, I want to explain to you why Dumbbell Lateral Raises SUCK. ​ • They waste time • They leave results on the table • They feel like complete & utter sh*t ​ Well, that’s kind of what I want to […]

Injured? Avoid These 10 Deadly Rehab Mistakes

An injury is one of the WORST experiences a lifter can go through. ​ You lose muscle You lose strength You lose confidence You feel frustrated ​ And you’re unable to enjoy your workouts that were was once a highlight of your day. ​ Imagine then, how much worse it gets: ​ When you’re 6 […]

3 AWFUL (science-backed) Reasons To Stretch

I’ll level with you now… This letter is will piss a LOT of people off. Why? Because StReTcHiNg. I’m about to pick it up, tear it to shreds, throw it around like a rag doll and knock it the fuck out 🤜 Ding Ding Ding! ”Ollie, what are you smoking?“ The truth pipe my friend. […]