”My Last Program Or Coach Didn’t Work For Me”

There’s ONE thing I hear on every strategy call… They go through an endless hamster wheel ineffective stretches, boring rehab exercises, quick-fix massages, invasive surgeries, and wasting countless hours travelling back & forth to a clinic.   And they come out the other side:   Still injured & in pain Unsure of who to trust […]

Delaying injury rehab: 6 hidden costs revealed.

“I’ll deal with my injury later”   These words haunt me to this day.   See in 2014 I injured my shoulder WEEKS after getting into the best shape of my life 👇 My world came crashing down, and the thought of going back to being the fat kid… a shell of my former self… […]

The Ultimate Elbow Injury Rehab Blueprint

Are you struggling with elbow pain?   So did Brian.   2 Years of elbow pain destroyed his ability to workout, play golf, and enjoy day-to-day life.   Nothing seemed to work:   ❌ Surgery hadn’t helped❌ Injections hadn’t helped❌ Physical therapy hadn’t helped   In 2023, I helped him fix 2 years of elbow […]

3 Reasons Why Traditional Injury Rehab Failed You

Did you know the healthcare system is broken?   It’s true.   Every single client I’ve worked with goes through the same frustrating journey…   They get injured.   They work with a physio. Then maybe a chiro. Then maybe an osteo. Some even end up getting surgery.   But the problem is this…   No […]

5 Injury Rehab Myths That Need To Die

What’s up my friend.   Listen – I get it…   In the world of fitness and sports, injuries feel like a major set back.   And I bet you have seen a lot of advice on injury rehab, but what if I told you some of the most common beliefs HOLD you back?   […]

Read This Is You Have Shoulder Pain

5 years of shoulder pain was limiting Claudia’s workouts and gym progress.   She needed a plan that didn’t involve:   ❌Expensive surgery❌Endless doctor visits❌Ineffective quick fixes   In todays letter, I’ll show you the 7 exercises we used to get her back to strength training 3x/week without pain limiting her progress.   Before we […]

5 Reasons Why You Keep Getting Injured [Avoid]

We’ve all been there.​You get a niggle or twinge in the gym… You take some time off… Return to training… And all seems fine for a couple sessions…   But “fine” doesn’t last:   Because your niggle comes back. Again.   ​”Oh… for f*cks sake!” So, why does this happen?   In today’s email:   […]

Please Read This If You Have Chronic Pain

I clenched my teeth in frustration:   ​“I don’t think the program is working – my pain has been awful this week”   ​My physio sat back on his stool…   Took a deep breath…   ​And asked:   ”What’s changed this week?”   Truth is, the program hadn’t changed… It been the same for 6 […]

5 Reasons Why Traditional Rehab Sucks

If you’re like my clients: You’ve had a TERRIBLE time trying to recover from injury. They try everything… Youtube… Stretching… Massage… Acupuncture… Osteopathy… Chiropractic… Physical Therapy… Injections… maybe surgery… But despite spending more time and money on this stuff, they still fail to get the relief or results they need. This is where they fall […]